Текст песни Fashion

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Текст песни Kumm - Fashion

Under the stars we smile and strive
Under the moon we drink and drive
Wearing a black shirt and a black tie
Close your eyes

Under the stars we roll and shake
Under the moon we rock and mate
Wearing a black dress and a black ring
Close your eyes

We're changing the fashion into some fashion
That's been built to last
All the sharp edges and beautiful colors
Belong to the past

Listen to songs you cannot see

Under the stars we dance and glow
Over the years that pass so slow
Shed a black tear outta black eye
We've never known

We're changing the fashion into some fashion
That's been built to last
All the sharp edges and beautiful colors
Belong to the past

Light is the prison
It's catching the eye
Switch to night vision
It's dark in the sky

We're changing the fashion
Oh come on, come on, come on

We're changing the fashion into some fashion
That's been built to last
All the sharp edges and beautiful colors
Belong to the past

Light is the prison
It's catching the eye
Switch to night vision
It's dark in the sky

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