O Emperor
Текст песни Sedalia

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Текст песни O Emperor - Sedalia

You were the brains of the operation
I was the brawn, so I swallowed my tongue
Money is a good preocupation
We were the ones who never lost
But we never really won

Think I'm getting tired of this trail
Footsteps don't trip light
Chest is getting tight
And I think you know what I mean
That was your way
You'd always know, but no
You'd never say...

I was young once I can still recall

Staring in the mirror, not recognising at all
Something must be lost along the way
Eyes that cry the words they cannot say

I can see them all back in Sedalia
Hands puttin' smokes to mouth
Eyes seeking others out
I might learn me a rag of two
Something to pass the time
Keep me off my mind
Stay where the law won't find...

Thanks to Oisin O'Regan for correcting these lyrics

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