Panther Rex
Текст песни Good Bye My Love (1986)

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Текст песни Panther Rex - Good Bye My Love (1986)

I won’t try to keep you here
won’t betray the way I feel
standing like a soldier in the rain

Think about so many years
try to blink away the tears
putting on a face to hide the pain

Goodbye my love
when you go you’ll take my heart
goodbye my love, goodbye

Goodbye my love
though my world will fall apart
goodbye my love, goodbye

Letter sealed with a kiss
written to the one you miss
I don’t want to read them anymore

I won’t stand and block the way
I’ll pretend I feel O.K.
love is leaving through an open door

[Chorus: Goodbye…]

[Instrumental part]

[Chorus: Goodbye…]

oh. Goodbye.. uuuuu.. Oh Goodbye…

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