Текст песни The Silver Jubilee

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Текст песни Wigwam - The Silver Jubilee

Though no high-hung bells or din
of braggart bugles cry it in
What is sound? Nature's round
Makes the Silver Jubilee.

Five and twenty years have run
Since sacred fountains to the sun
Sprang,that but now were shut,
Showering Silver Jubilee.

Feasts,When we shall fall asleep,
Shrewsbury may see others keep:
None but you,this her true,
This her Silver Jubilee.

Not today we need lament
Your wealth of life is some way spent:
Toil has shed round your head
Silver but for Jubilee.

Then for her whose velvet vales
Should have pealed with welcome,
Wales Let the chime of a rhyme
Utter Silver Jubilee.

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